This course is designed for guitarists of any skill level to develop their fingerstyle chops so they can play their favorite fingerpickers: Landslide, Tears In Heaven, Blackbird, Unchained Melody, Dust In The Wind, Yesterday, Ain't No Sunshine, Love Yourself, The Boxer, Fast Car, More Than Words and a ton more!
What you'll get:
- 33 bite-size video tutorials that will take you from beginner to advanced
- Workbook with all the exercises & diagrams
- Develop comfort and control with your picking hand
- Learn to improve your timing and lock into the rhythm
- Read TAB effectively and recognize patterns
- Add percussion and other effects to your playing
- Travis picking and many other fingerpicking styles
- Using embellishments like hammer-on's and pull-off's
- and much more!
PLUS, you'll get FREE access to the GoodGuitarist Community Group. Ask me questions directly, and get motivation & support from your fellow course-mates. I will make sure you have everything you need to succeed!